Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Open Mic night at Kevro's


I finally did it!

I performed two poems and my original song "I Remember When" on my J.B. Player acoustic guitar in front of a crowd of 30 at Kevro's Art Bar (166 SE 2nd Ave. Delray Beach).

(Caption: Renda Writer call out my name)

It was exhilarating!

For the first time ever I performed two of my poems " 4a.m." and "Dreamer's Don't Survive" to a crowd that was enthusiastic over my creations.

The Grand Finale song was well received...

The poetry was well received.

Kevro's is a place where every Tuesday night creative types can unleash their most inner thoughts, ideas scraping to get out to the mainstream.

Spoken word poetry feels so damn good to the soul.

Renda Writer, a local talented poet hosts the event at Kevro's every Tuesday night starting at 8p.m.

Please come and check it out and support this amazing scene.

Until next time...

David DiPino
